Jubilee, Pilgrimage, and going to Rome

I'm going to Rome. Who's coming with me? Why go to Rome? Because it's a jubilee year! It's a time of special grace, an opportunity to manifest to ourselves and to the world that this lifelong pilgrimage we call life has a goal: heaven. Ever since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden, humanity has been searching for a way back into paradise. All of human history is the story of mankind trying to find or create paradise and failing. The Tower of Babel? A wrong-headed attempt to build our way into paradise. So God scattered that. Then...Read More

Homily for Patronal Feast of St. John the Evangelist: Clothed in Love

Patronal Feast of St. John the Evangelist                                                       December 27, 2020Fr. Albert                                                                                St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/qpuoOnauNvM          From the baby Jesus to boiling oil… That could be the title of St. John’s autobiography. The life of this man, our patron saint, is a fitting testimony that the joy we’ve just celebrated doesn’t stop with a few nice presents but extends straight through the worst parts of the human condition, through death itself into eternal life. All the other apostles were martyred brutally for proclaiming this truth. Like them, society wanted to kill John for...Read More