What Fire Does: Homily for Candlemas 2025

Candlemas                                                                                                      February 2, 2025Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/DR4qUiEfhK0 Does fire save? Or does it destroy? If you ask the wood and the wax, they will say it destroys. If you ask the man caught in the cold or the child lost in the darkness, they’ll save it saves. Your answer, then, will probably depend on two things: what you are and where you are. It’s for this reason that Our Lord, that Scripture, that the liturgy of the Church makes such frequent use of fire, both literally and symbolically. Take our...Read More

You’ve Got the Power: Homily for the Ascension 2023

Ascension of our Lord                                                                                                May 21, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/s3uqxmmtueA [N.B. The Sunday Mass was Confirmation, preached by Fr. Blanda so this homily was only given at the Saturday 4 PM Mass] What would you do with more power? Make your own life easier? Get even with some people? Fix some local problems? What would you do with all the power? Solve world hunger? Cure diseases? Save the environment? Change laws? If I had the power to make one law that couldn’t be reversed, I’d probably make it illegal for anyone to own...Read More