A Turn of Love: Homily for the 7th Sunday OT 2025

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, C                                                                     February 23, 2025Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/0IJCGuT8RiY Once, while I was a seminarian teaching catechism to kids, a student struck me on the cheek and ran away. To be fair, he didn’t mean to actually hit me. He was acting on a dare to touch my beard, which was laughably bad in those days. Nervousness made him move too quickly, but it’s not like it even hurt… more surprised me. Eventually, of course, his classmates told their parents, who told the pastor. When the pastor asked...Read More

Anticipating Heaven: Homily for Word of God Sunday 2025

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, C                                                                     January 26, 2025Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://www.youtube.com/live/pWdm09q5vAU?si=S73Anm0_AzMRJbKA&t=1295 What’s the longest you’ve ever waited for something? A new book in a series? A concert? A line for a roller coaster? The first McDonalds in Russia had an 8 hour wait to get a burger on opening day. The Beatles had lines half a mile long and I’m sure Taylor Swift concerts usually come with long wait times. Each time World Youth Day rolls around, people often hike for miles to camp overnight in a field to be...Read More

The Father’s House: Homily for the Holy Family 2024

Feast of the Holy Family, C                                                               December 28, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/-u_BLnMEdEs When I say “holy family,” what do you picture? Jesus, Mary, & Joseph are the Holy Family, but what if I ask you to picture a more generic idea of a holy family? Perfectly behaved kids sitting quietly in church? An immaculate home? A strict father surrounded by his solemn-faced wife and kids praying the rosary with unbroken concentration? When I picture a holy family, I see a noisy family meal, the chaotic joy of Christmas morning, a family...Read More

What I Really Want: Homily for Vermilion Catholic Oct 10 2024

Thursday 27th Week OT                                                                                 October 10, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/CKqZAccHXt0 What if I want to eat a snake instead of fish? What if scorpions are just the crawfish of the desert? Boil em up, season em, and start dipping em in the right sauce, and maybe they’re even better than eggs! Had Jesus been talking to a crowd of Cajuns, he probably would have used different examples for things people don’t want to eat. But the point is the same: when we ask God for our “daily bread,” he isn’t going to trick...Read More

Tradition and tradition: Homily for the 22nd Sunday OT 2024

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, B                                                                  September 1, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/J_-YLi6Z7_I “In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts.’ You disregard God's commandment but cling to human tradition.” I know a lot of people hear that line and think it’s a bit ironic for Catholics of all people to be proclaiming it from the pulpit. After all, aren’t we Catholics all about tradition? Rituals, memorized prayers, rote gestures… It is even part of Catholic teaching that Scripture and Tradition are together the “one sacred deposit of Word of...Read More

The Celebration Continues: Homily for the Queenship of Mary 2024

Queenship of Mary                                                                                         August 22, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville N.B. This is a sequel to the homily for the Assumption of Mary. https://youtu.be/u4GFnnLurpM A week later and here we are again, celebrating something about Mary the Mother of God. Once again, it is worth asking: why? As with her Assumption into heaven, there are many reasons that all come back to one reason: to glorify Jesus Christ her son, God incarnate. And what is it that we celebrate this time? Mary’s queenship. It’s not an accident that it is exactly a week after...Read More

How to Face the Devil: Homily for the 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2024

10th Sunday of Ordinary Time, B                                                                               June 9, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/7jJ_LRBpZNw There are two extremes that get the devil wrong. One is to deny he exists at all, to reduce him to a myth or literary symbol. The snake is a literary symbol, but it a symbol that represents the very real fallen angel named Satan. When we deny his existence, we leave ourselves defenseless. If a Catholic denies the existence of the devil, he risks the sin of heresy and being cut off from God’s grace. The...Read More

Body, Love, Glory: Homily for Corpus Christi 2024

Corpus Christi, B                                                                                                        June 2, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/SHuPAApGo2A Last week, I spoke about “union” as if it was obvious that it was something everyone would want. Well, maybe it isn’t obvious to you. Maybe you aren’t sure what I mean by union and therefore aren’t sure why it’s something you would want to “will” for yourself or “will” as the “good of the other person.” What is union? Why do we want it? A friend of mine shared a story with me about a young man who was...Read More

What is the Holy Spirit? Homily for Pentecost 2024

Pentecost, B                                                                                                                May 19, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/J6WTq0Qr46k What is the Holy Spirit to you? Really, I should say “who” is the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is a person! Yes, Jesus sometimes talks about the power of the Holy Spirit in a more abstract way, but we see the personal dimension in today/tomorrow’s gospel. Jesus says “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” Hear how personal that is? “He will guide you.” So, while Pentecost is about the fantastic...Read More

The Gift of Going Away: Homily for the Ascension 2024

Solemnity of the Ascension, B                                                                                   May 12, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/bORFb1E3u2M St. Paul tells us that Jesus “ascended on high; he gave gifts to men.” What gifts? The power of the Holy Spirit to become witnesses of Jesus to the whole world. Power for exorcisms, healings, miraculous communications and survival. And not just to the Apostles long ago. To this day, these signs happen throughout the world in conjunction with the proclamation of the gospel by laity and clergy alike. Neither does this power to bear witness only come in...Read More