Embodying Spirit and Truth: Homily for the Dedication Anniversary 2025

Anniversary of the Church's Dedication                                                        January 31, 2025Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/16rkHc4GtE0 “Worship in Spirit and Truth.” What does that look like exactly? Clearly, Jesus doesn’t think it requires being in a certain location. In a single line, he completely bypasses a theological debate going back centuries between the Samaritans and Jews about which place is the right place to worship. Even while Jesus says the Jews are right, he moves past the debate to make this point about spirit and truth. Which kind of raises a question: if the location doesn’t matter,...Read More

Being Love: Homily for Trinity Sunday 2024

Trinity Sunday, B                                                                                                       May 26, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/LWnwLJEZS3w Three weeks ago, I focused on the teaching that God is love. But what is love? “Love is to will the good of the other.” If God is love, then this means that God’s very existence is to will the good of the other. We tend to think of existence or being as this kind of passive reality. If you ask me “what are you doing?” and I answer “existing,” you’d probably think “ah, so he’s doing nothing” and you’d...Read More

A Trigger Warning: Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent 2024

2nd Sunday of Lent, B                                                                                     February 25, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/vEuAWfzPkKY Image by CC 2.0 from https://www.flickr.com/photos/gcfairch/4189169360 A story. A true one, as far as I know. At a church elsewhere in Louisiana, there was a young pastor who once opened the door to find a gun pointed straight at him. Holding that gun was a nervous looking man who rather shakily said, “Father, I’m sorry but God told me I have to kill you.” Inspired, he quipped, “oh, God just told me to tell you that you don’t have to kill me anymore.” The...Read More

Heavenly Treasure: Homily for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   November 19, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/jK9ymiP5ZJ4 Every now and then, someone asks me if the world is going to end soon. Just Friday, in fact, a woman at a store asked me that question based on what is happening in the middle east right now. I gave her my standard answer: “every generation of Christians thinks the end is near.” I put it that way to make a few points: First is that worrying about the end of the world isn’t new. Secondly, everyone who thought the...Read More

Homily for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time: Build Because It Crumbles

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, C                                                                   November 13, 2022Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/OTgFf7YJ5jI Not long after I was assigned to this parish, I went on a short vacation that kept me away during a weekend, so I made arrangements for another priest to cover for me. While away, my phone rang at about 3pm on the Saturday. I looked to see that it was the priest who was scheduled to hear confessions and celebrate the 4pm Mass. My heart sank. I just knew he was calling to say he forgot...Read More

Pastor Column: Mystici Corporis III

[Note: This is not the Sunday Homily. It is an article for the bulletin of May 29, 2022]      Recall that last week, we noted Pope Pius XII’s call to practice “effective love.” In the context of the early 1900s, this prompts him to specifically condemn the idea and practice of eugenics and euthanasia. This is of course targeted at the Nazis, but we would do well to remember that eugenics was a popular idea in our own country prior to the war. It is primarily because of what we saw in the Nazis that eugenics faded as a popular...Read More

Pastor Column: Mystici Corporis II

[Note: This is not the Sunday Homily. It is an article in the bulletin for May 22, 2022]      Having laid out the need for a single visible head in the Church (the Pope), Pope Pius XII turns to the three virtues that manifest the unity of the Church: Faith, Hope, and Love. These connect Catholics to each other and to God. Citing several passages of the New Testament, the Pope focuses first on faith.      We share one faith in the sense of having the same beliefs. We have the same faith in the sense that the one Holy...Read More

Pastor Column: Mystici Corporis I

[Note: This is not the Sunday Homily. It is an article for the bulletin of May 15, 2022]      The next encyclical of Pope Pius XII is Mystici Corporis Christi (“On the Mystical Body of Christ”) written in 1943. By “Mystical Body,” the pope is referring to the Church and this document gives a thorough teaching on what we mean when we say “the Church is the body of Christ.” So, we’ll take it a little at a time and see what it says.      To start with, Pope Pius says he is speaking specifically about the Church Militant, which...Read More

Homily for Easter: The Authority to Love, Triduum Pt. 3

Easter Vigil                                         Part 3 of Triduum 2022                                  April 16, 2022Fr. Albert                                                                                St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette [See part 1 here] [See part 2 here] https://youtu.be/laRr7ujxiyk Thursday night, we began the most sacred time of the year – the Paschal Triduum – and began also an extended reflection on the meaning of freedom and authority revealed in the life and death of Jesus Christ. Through the washing of the disciples feet and the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood, we saw that authority is truly a service to the people over whom it is wielded....Read More