Where is the Peace? Homily for Christmas 2024

Christmas                                                                                            December 25, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. Mary Magdalen, Abbeville https://youtu.be/s0BLJbW0oZA Where is the peace? Isn’t there supposed to be peace? Christmas songs proclaim “Peace on earth and mercy mild,” the gloria at Mass comes from the Christmas angels singing “Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace to people of good will.” Scripture calls Jesus the “Prince of Peace.” Yet, the Holy Land where Jesus was born is a perpetual warzone. Earth as a whole never goes more than a few decades at a time without some major war happening. The...Read More

Your Will Be Done: Homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent 2023

4th Sunday of Advent, B                                                                                 December 24, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/8yjMcR6JPEo Some of the most useful and most underrated words in all of Scripture are the ones the prophet Nathan says to King David in our first reading: “Go, do whatever you have in mind, for the LORD is with you.” These words can pull you back to the center from one of two dangerous extremes: excessive self-reliance and crippling uncertainty. By far the most common one is excessive self-reliance. Even being too worried about what other people think is relying on...Read More