How You Treat Your King: Homily for the Christ the King 2023

Christ the King, A                                                                                          November 26, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette You could maybe be excused for thinking that today’s solemn feast is about the end of the world. After all, we’ve been hearing about that subject for a few weeks in our readings and today we hear again about the final judgment. Today also marks the last Sunday of the Liturgical year. Next Sunday begins Advent, which is the start of a new cycle. So, it kind of makes sense that the feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe should be...Read More

Heavenly Treasure: Homily for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   November 19, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette Every now and then, someone asks me if the world is going to end soon. Just Friday, in fact, a woman at a store asked me that question based on what is happening in the middle east right now. I gave her my standard answer: “every generation of Christians thinks the end is near.” I put it that way to make a few points: First is that worrying about the end of the world isn’t new. Secondly, everyone who thought the...Read More

Dying To Live: Homily for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                  November 12, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette To get right to the point: we are all going to die. Some people want to avoid this reality, even avoiding the word “funeral” and instead talking about a “celebration of life.” Of course we celebrate life! But we do so precisely because we know we’re going to die and that only by dying do we receive real life, eternal life with God. So it’s important to realize that death comes for us all. If we don’t want that reality to...Read More

Faithful Despite the Sinners: Homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   November 5, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette In the early 1500s, the pope was Julius II. He was known as the “warrior-pope” because he didn’t just have an army, he rode into battle with them, personally leading the charge. He also died of syphilis… which tells you something about his lack of integrity. Scandalous. In the late 800s, the pope was Sergius III. Reports say that he got there by hiring someone to kill the previous two popes. Awful. In the early 1000s, Benedict IX was pope 3...Read More

What Our Future Needs: Homily for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   October 29, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette When I started here, we averaged between 400 and 450 people at Mass each weekend. Covid dropped us to around 250. The current average is near 300. On average, we have about 30 funerals a year. We have about a dozen baptisms and 5 weddings a year, but both of those numbers include people who no longer live here, but came for historical reasons. To put it simply, we are shrinking. I say this so you understand why I often mention...Read More

To Repay What We Owe: Homily for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   October 22, 2023 Fr. AlexanderAlbert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” And what is that, exactly? What do we owe to God? Everything. The demands of our religion aren’t arbitrary. They are concrete expressions of the fact that we owe God everything. Authentic religion is the effort to make that repayment. Last week, I focused particularly on the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Repaying to God what we owe to God means being willing to sacrifice time, money,...Read More

What Is Chosen: Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   October 15, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette Beating the messengers again! Just last week Jesus told us about people who killed the messengers rather than pay their rent. I offered the hypothetical explanation that the tenants of the vineyard had no fruit to give, so they responded to their shame and fear by killing whoever threatened to expose it. Indeed, we often respond to God in the same way – lashing out whenever he dares to touch on our sins, wounds, and weaknesses. Afraid of how demanding God...Read More

Fear of Fruitlessness: Homily for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                  October 8, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette Why didn’t they just give him some of the grapes? No one likes it when it’s time to pay the rent. But how much sense does it make that their first response is to beat, kill, and stone the messengers? No request for leniency, no negotiation. It’s not like the landowner is unreasonable or impatient. He tried again, even after they murdered his servants. He sent his own Son. Clearly, if these tenants had even tried to work out a deal...Read More

Enough, Lord!: Homily for the Lafayette Eucharistic Rally 2023

Votive Mass of the Holy Eucharist                                                                 October 5, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               Cajundome Convention Center “Enough, Lord!” Who among us has not made this exasperated prayer of Elijah our own? There’s usually joy and all kinds of good fortune that comes along with the first serious turn towards the Lord, but it seems only a matter of time before any committed believer reaches the point where they feel as he did – alone, burdened, and just plain weary of feeling like the harder they try to do the right thing, the more everything goes wrong....Read More

Not To Count: Homily for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                  October 1, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette It’s not a ledger. We talk like it is, but judgment isn’t a ledger with good on one side, bad on the other, and whichever has the most decides your fate. If you don’t know better, it seems reasonable that your final fate is determined simply by whether or not you did more good than bad or more bad than good. That kind of idea why the first reading is addressed to people who accuse God of being unfair in how...Read More