Daily Collection: Thursday of the Third Week of Easter

The Collect for Thursday of the Third Week of Easter is:

“Almighty ever-living God, let us feel your compassion more readily during these days when, by your gift, we have known it more fully, so that those you have freed from the darkness of error may cling more firmly to the teachings of your truth. Through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.”


During the Easter season, we emphasize the resurrection, which is also the ultimate expression of God’s compassion. We rely on God’s grace for everything, so we are asking for the grace to be aware of and grateful God’s grace. And God’s compassion does not stop at making us feel the joy of conquering death, but includes freedom from error. Error is a kind of death in the mind, so the fullness of resurrection includes the life-giving power of knowing the Truth. Thus, we ask God to help us feel his compassion so that we can hang on to the light of Truth. We can know that Truth because the Church hands it on to us.

So, for your daily contribution to the Church’s collection of prayer,

Pause to reflect on the gift of God’s compassion, to realize that the almighty Creator of the universe cares about you personally. Express your gratitude for his love and pray especially for the grace to fully embrace that gift under the form of the Truth. Pray not only to accept the Truth but to “cling more firmly” to it. Then spiritually unite that prayer to all the Masses throughout the world today. That way, when the priest says “Let us pray,” you can be a part of that “us” even if you don’t get to attend Mass.