St. Anthony Mary Claret

Collect taken from the optional memorial of St. Anthony Claret, bishop.

Collect: O God, who for the evangelization of peoples strengthened the Bishop Saint Anthony Mary Claret with admirable charity and long-suffering, grant, through his intercession, that, seeking the things that are yours, we may earnestly devote ourselves to winning our brothers and sisters for Christ. Who lives and reigns…

O God, who for the evangelization of peoples strengthened the Bishop Saint Anthony Mary Claret with admirable charity and long-suffering,
— God’s response to needs in the Church is to raise up saints. St. Anthony’s sanctity is evident in his charity and endurance, so we acknowledge them as the gift of God.

grant, through his intercession, that, seeking the things that are yours, we may earnestly devote ourselves to winning our brothers and sisters for Christ.
— Inspired by the grace of God that made Anthony a saint, we ask to becomes saints ourselves particularly through evangelizing others. This prayer even points out how we will do that, namely, through seeking what belongs to God.

Questions & Advice: Do you evangelize? What is the top priority in your life? How well do you endure the suffering that comes from living for God rather than yourself? Do you trust God’s grace to get you through it?

Read about consecration and mission in the Catechism (931-33). In your daily prayer time, spend some time reflecting on how thoroughly you have given your life over to Christ and his Church. If you are not already in a permanent vocation, ask God to help you know if he is calling you to a special consecration and mission. Either way, pray especially for those who, like St. Anthony Claret, are specially dedicated to evangelization. Look for an opportunity today to share some part of the faith with another person.

Sancte Antoni, ora pro nobis!