Collect: O God, giver of all good things, who through the Priest Saint John Leonardi caused the Gospel to be announced to the nations, grant, through his intercession, that the true faith may always and everywhere prosper. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son…
“O God, giver of all good things, who through the Priest Saint John Leonardi caused the Gospel to be announced to the nations,”
– God does indeed give all good things, but he prefers to do so through us. In this way, we recognize that God spreads the good news of himself not primarily by divine intervention but through the efforts of men like John Leonardi. Thus, we remember St. John and praise God for him.
“grant, through his intercession, that the true faith may always and everywhere prosper.“
– St. John Leonardi is honored as the distant father of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, so it is fitting to ask his intercession for the success of the particular effort within the Church.
Questions & Advice: Do you announce the Gospel to others? Are you willing to suffer, even at the hands of fellow Catholics, for the sake of announcing the Gospel?
Take a look at the Catechism’s teaching on participation in Christ’s Prophetic office through evangelization (904-907). Consider reading John’s letter to the Pope about reform of the Church, found in today’s office of readings. In it, his main advice is to live the holiness we want to see in others. So, think of what fault bothers you most in your fellow Catholics, and then resolve to practice the opposite virtue in your own life.
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Sancte Johanne Leonarde, ora pro nobis! |