St. Padre Pio

Collect taken from the memorial of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, priest.

Collect: Almighty ever-living God, who, by a singular grace, gave the Priest Saint Pius a share in the Cross of your Son and, by means of his ministry, renewed the wonders of your mercy, grant that through his intercession we may be united constantly to the sufferings of Christ, and so brought happily to the glory of the resurrection. Through our Lord Jesus Christ…

Almighty ever-living God, who, by a singular grace, gave the Priest Saint Pius a share in the Cross of your Son
– We call to mind the power of God manifest in Padre Pio’s extraordinary share in the cross. This is important because it guards against thinking that Padre Pio somehow “earned” the stigmata, when it was really just a manifestation of God’s mysterious plan.

and, by means of his ministry, renewed the wonders of your mercy,
– We also recall Padre Pio’s dedication to the sacrament of confession, whereby so many experienced God’s mercy.

grant that through his intercession we may be united constantly to the sufferings of Christ, and so brought happily to the glory of the resurrection.”
– Not only do we actually want to be united to Christ’s sufferings, but we ask to be united constantly to that cross. This is because the more we share in the cross, the more we share in the fruit of the cross, which is grace, life, and the glory of Heaven at our resurrection.

Questions & Advice: Do you see suffering as a chance to share in the cross or as an evil thing to be avoided at all costs? Does Padre Pio’s miraculous life make you jealous or envious that you do not have such overtly supernatural experiences? Or do you recognize that such gifts are not meant for everyone and their absence does not denote a lack of holiness?

Read about Christ’s offering of his whole life in the Catechism (606-7). Spend some of your daily prayer time reflecting on how you respond to pain and suffering. Ask the Lord to help you offer your whole life to God, including your trials and pains. Read Padre Pio’s description of his stigmata – don’t see it as something to be copied, but as a powerful example and inspiration.

Sancte Pio, ora pro nobis!