Your Battle, Your Weapon

Lent 1st Sun, Year A
Fr. Albert
St. Peter Catholic Church, New Iberia


1) You will be tempted. We face this battle our whole lives, so we should be prepared to fight.
2) We can win this battle. It is possible to resist temptation and avoid sin with the help of God’s grace. To do this we need humility and a spirit of obedience.
3) We must know Scripture:
   A) Not in the way that the devil knows it, but as it really is. Learn to read and understand Scripture like a Catholic.
   B) It is imperative that we allow Scripture to shape our hearts and minds. The world fills our imagination with a corrupt way of seeing things – what we want is a Scriptural imagination, a Catholic worldview. Then we will be better equipped for the battle against sin and Satan.
Some Links for approaching scripture:
Great book for learning to pray with scripture:
Praying Scripture for a Change
What the Church actually teaches about interpreting scripture (start at paragraph 109):
A Catholic Guide to Understanding the Bible:
An index of how the Catechism uses some passages of Scripture:
A search engine – find where a passage is used in the Catechism:
Resources recommended by Scott Hahn:
A good online Bible Study: