Daily Collection: St. Januarius

Today’s Daily Collection comes from the optional memorial of St. Januarius, Bishop & Martyr.

Collect: O God, who grant us to venerate the memory of the Martyr Saint Januarius, give us, we pray, the joy of his company in blessed happiness for all eternity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ

O God, who grant us to venerate the memory of the Martyr Saint Januarius
— Recognizing that all holiness is a gift from God, we invoke him as the real source of Januarius’ fame. We also recognize that the ability to venerate a saint, the ability to recognize holiness in someone else and to give thanks for that holiness is a gift from God. The Church rejoices to receive his example and intercession as a gift from God.

give us, we pray, the joy of his company in blessed happiness for all eternity
— Christian saints, and the martyrs in particular, are generally pretty obnoxious to the people around them. They are a painful reminder of God’s radical command to Love Him above all else and our neighbor for his sake. Yet, for those who accept Christ’s commands and follow him as disciples, a saint is a joy to be around. To find someone else who shares your interest and enthusiasm is always a joy and to be in the company of someone who shares your radical love for Love Himself is Joy unequaled. Indeed, part of the joy of Heaven is not only the Beatific Vision of God, but also the ability to share in the Joy of everyone else who has that Vision. So, we ask God to grant us the gift of finding Joy where we ought to find it, in the company of Holy Men and Women.

Advice: Examination – Do you celebrate actors or sports heroes more than saints, priests, religious, holy people? What kind of company do you keep? Do holy people annoy you? Why? If holy things bother you, then why would you want to go to Heaven where everything and everyone is always holy?
Maybe you’ve lost touch with someone whom you know is trying to be holy. Try contacting that person and looking for a chance to touch base.Contact at least one person you know who takes faith seriously and have a conversation about where you want to grow in your faith. The internet can be a useful tool for forming and staying in touch with groups of people who are serious about holiness.

St. Januarius, pray for us!